Investing in good public relations will do more for your brand than marketing alone and when your business is facing a crisis it is invaluable.
Coronavirus 19 is that crisis and if you haven’t already taken steps to manage your communications here are some steps that you will want to put in place – now!
Step up to crisis communications
Be prepared – Set up a crisis team that can communicate remotely to gather facts and information, ensuring a chain of command and spokesperson
Messaging – This is what your brand is about, provide honest relevant facts and information, empathise and engage with your audience
Communicate – Make sure your staff know the communication plan and facts, share relevant facts and information with stakeholders, share with media as needed
Understanding media flow – Monitor all media & information, double check facts and information before preparing any statements
Deliverables – Prepare a statement and news release, choose channels and content as appropriate
Adapt – Review your plan to ensure you are able to adapt to changes.
2020 brings the blessing of an extra day this month but,
really, I could do with an extra 30, which is why I’m writing my February blog
in retrospect!
The reason – CREST20 (Corporate Responsibility for the Environment and a Sustainable Tomorrow 2020) Sustainable Business Awards, the exciting proposal I introduced to the @Woking_NewsMail around April last year. It not only captured the newspaper’s imagination and excitement, but has been widely received with enthusiasm. Most importantly, seeing the value of the venture, we have received the wholehearted support and collaboration from the University of Surrey’s Centre for Environment and #Sustainability, one of the UK’s internationally-acclaimed centre of academic excellence on sustainable development.
So, often withNews & Mail MD Terry Tidbury, the focus of the month has been gathering sponsorship and support.
On 4 February it took us to a fascinating symposium on sustainable business, organised by @SurreyHillsAONB with our awards partners @CES_Surrey . As a trademarked member of this group of rural businesses I touched base with a number of familiar faces and gave us the chance to share news on the awards.
In a whistle-stop round of meetings, the month brought sponsors: #SurreyCountyCouncil as Headline Sponsor, #ChambersRecycling as Sustainable Hero Sponsor, #PlanetWoking for Transforming Food and #WilliamLaceyGroup as sponsor for Sustainability Impact Award.
Enjoying Woking FC hospitality with fellow BNI Woking colleagues, Anne Woodward, Clarity Homes Solutions, (centre) and Andy Beckett of ABGM
Despite the impact of two gale storms over two consecutive weekends that saw the UK shattered and flooded, the effects in the #Surrey area were minimal. Carol Miller Media still hosted a table in support of @wokingfc in its match against Stockport. Guests included BNI Woking colleagues (see picture left) Anne Woodward #ClarityHomesSolutions (centre) and Andy Beckett of #ABGM.
Also joined fellow Freemen of the City of #London of Stationers’ Guild for its annual Cakes & Ale service at #StPaulsCathedral followed by a lunch bequested 400 years ago by former Master of the Company John Norton @stationerscomms.
The month rounded off in the foothills of Box Hill for Surrey Hills annual awards presentation. The Gold Award was presented to Ian Jones of @LLLHillHouse for its dedication towards improving environmental sustainability, collaboration with other Surrey Hills businesses and supporting the area by improving the rural economy. Heart-warming to know that I had introduced Ian and his farm to @BBCSurrey back in September on the @NickyPatrick1 show.
Left: Ian Jones receives the Surrey Hills AONB Gold Award 27 February 2020 . (Above) Supporting Ian Jones and his son September 2019 for their BBC Sussex & Surrey radio debut