Carol has a wide breadth of experience in journalism and communications that includes over 12 years with the UK supermarket chain, Waitrose, where she was editor of its internal print and online magazine. The role helped build an extensive contact base within food and beverages alongside a clear insight into the industry, nurtured by a personal passion for all aspects of field to plate journeys. Prior to that Carol worked for 12 years in internal and external communications with a broad range of companies, including a European aviation trade and lobby association. This followed 12 years as a journalist for national, regional and local media outlets. Clients know they can rely on her real understanding of the media from all aspects to optimize news and events.

Carol can make the difference between hoping a journalist runs your story and a journalist asking for it.

Take a look at some of the Client stories

Carol Miller
Carol Miller

People I work with

Public Relations is part of a larger Marketing story and to achieve the best outcomes for my clients I will often bring a team of associates to support a client. Sometimes that will be to produce a fully integrated PR and Marketing package and at other times it may be in relation to a single project.
Among my associates are: